Life style design from Japan

About Sebastian

Shop for Sebastian brings life style design from Japan to the Nordics. We have carefully selected products from Japanese brands that we cherish. Shop for Sebastian is located in Helsinki, Finland.

Story of Sebastian

Sebastian, name of this shop, is an imaginary friend of mine, to whom I would like to introduce my favourite products from Japan.

I am from Japan, an owner of this shop. I‘ve been living in Finland for 16 yrs, started to lose Japaneseness bit by bit. Instead, I’ve gained rather fresh eyes to Japanese life style products. Yes, Japan is full of beautiful design and crafts, yet they are quite well hidden. 

As I myself started to travel through Japan to find out where are those beautiful products and what kinds of people are behind them, I could not stop telling around about these hidden gems. 

Sebastian might be Johanna. Sebastian could be Tony. Sebastian is you. Please share with me these surprises, wonders, and hopes on the  beauties from Japan.