Marix Film
About Marix Film

- Region Osaka
- Established 2021
The founder of Marix Film, Mr Junji Hida, has been a camera fan since he was a junior high student. He has still full of memories about shooting trips with his mates in 1980s, with his film cameras such as Asahi Pentax and Nikon. One day in 2021, he happened to visit his parens' home and touched his beloved cameras again after several decades. When he decided to carry his cameras once again, he had faced the situation around film cameras. There are not enough supplies of films in the market, since non-digital photoshoots are not major business anymore. "Made in Japan" cameras were and are famous in the worlds, so was films, however, major Japanese film makers are struggling to supply films to the markets. As a serious hobby photographer, Mr Hida decided to get film making back to Japan in 2021. Through Marix Film, he tries to set up a domestic film brand in Japan and supply enough films stably at a reasonable price to film markets.